Daily News Tribune - September 24th
The Daily News Tribune, from Needham, Massachusetts has posted an article from a mother who writes a response to another article posted September 18th ("Check this out: Volunteers help keep elementary school libraries open in Ashland.").
While she admits that she would probably do the same thing she does recognize the importance of having school librarians.
"I applaud the commitment level of the volunteers in Ashland. I would most likely do the same thing in their shoes. I just caution all others applauding their efforts to not think this is a permanent solution. School libraries should be staffed by professional librarians; our children deserve their skills and expertise." more…
Concepts related and/or synonymic with Information Literacy (INFOLIT) according to the conceptual, linguistic and/or pedagogical position to assume:Spanish:Alfabetización en información, Alfabetización informativa, Desarrollo de Habilidades Informativas, Competencias informacionales, Competencias en información, Competencias informativasEnglish: Information skills, Information competency, Information competencies, Information literacy instruction, Information literacy skillsA proposed from Colombia on what is understood for Information Literacy(Information Literacy Education)INFOLIT is...the teaching-learning process designedfor an individual or group of persons,under the professional leadership andguidance of an educational or library institution,using different teaching strategies and learning environments(classroom, mixed-blend learning or "virtual" / E-INFOLIT),to be able to achieve the competences(knowledge, skills and attitudes)in computing, communications and informationthat would enable and empower them,after identifying and recognizing their information needs,and applying different formats, media and physical,electronic or digital resources,to locate, select, retrieve, organize, evaluate,produce, share and disseminatein an efficient and effective way,as well as with a critical and ethical approach(Information Behavior)the information that best satisfies those needs,building upon their potentialities(cognitive, practical and emotional)and previous knowledge(multiple literacies: reading and writing, functional,visual, media, digital)and to achieve an appropriate interactionwith other individuals and groups(cultural practices-social inclusion),according to the different roles and contexts involved(educational levels, research, job-training),for finally with all this process,to get and share new knowledge as well asthe foundations for lifelong learning(to which every citizen has the right)in order to facilitate the decision-makingfor personal, organizational, community and social benefitsin view of the everyday and long-term demands(opportunities and threats)in the current information society.Uribe-Tirado, Alejandro (2009)Translation with the support of: Cristobal Pasadas UreñaLocate all our content and communities (especially in Spanish) in...Blog: - Group:alfincolombia@googlegroups.comFacebook Community: Page:
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Please join us on September 26, 2009for the first live event of the2009 K12Online ConferenceOn September 26, K12Online Conference will host a LAN party from 2:00PM to 5:00PM EDT and encourages everyone to get together with colleagues in order to engage in lively discussions. Past presentations will be shown and you are invited to participate in live conversations about the presentations with the featured presenters. A K12Online Conference overview is scheduled at the EdTechTalk website 30 minutes prior to the LAN party.
mathew2:00 – 2:45 Film School Mathew Needleman, Apple Distinguished Educator, has been integrating video in the classroom for seven years as a teacher of kindergarten, first, and second grade. Make better classroom movies with simple tips that will help elevate your vodcast to the next level in terms of artistic and technical merit. Learn how to storyboard like a pro, choose shots that support the telling of your story, and capture better lighting and sound.
AlecCouros2:45 – 3:30 Open, Social, Connected Dr. Alec Couros is a professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina. This presentation unravels a recent open graduate course offering titled “Open, Connected, Social” that was offered at the University of Regina, Winter 2008. The presentation describes the theories influencing the course, types of open practice, reflections and outcomes, and goes on to describe the emergence of “open teaching”.
Markwagner3:30 – 4:15 Wiki While You Work (Basic) A former high school English teacher, Mark Wagner has since served as an educational technology coordinator at Estancia High School, the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and the Orange County Department of Education. His session briefly introduces participants to the Read/Write Web, and to wikis in particular. A live demonstration of and will illustrate that…, “If you can use a word processor, you can use a wiki.”
kathycassidy4:15 – 5:00 We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff With Blogging Mentors Kathy Cassidy is a grade one teacher at Westmount School in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. In the winter of 2008, Patrick Lewis’s university class of pre-service teachers were blogging mentors for Kathy’s grade one students. This presentation talks about that collaboration and the results of the research that was conducted about the effect this mentorship had on the students’ writing.
Posted by Doug Valentine on September 21, 2009 at 12:17pm
Hello all,Shameless plug, but important as well. We have a very differnt way of acquiring technology for our school. we enter video competitions. My wife and I entered a contest sponsored by the National Parks Foundation to try and win a state of the art camera for our elementary school. Our video is a tongue in cheek look at our trip to Big Bend National Park. We need votes to get the prize! If you've enjoyed my videos I ask that you go to the site, register (it's short and safe!) and vote for our video now through September 23rd at midnight. If you DON'T like to register you can use your Facebook login at the site. It's that easy! Leave a comment if you like. You can vote once a day so vote early and often. Please pass this on to everyone. We really would like this technology for our school. Go to: at the top right, or login with Facebook, and vote at our site.THANKS!Doug
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Posted by paul volponi on September 21, 2009 at 10:18am
I have a new novel out today called Homestretch. It is a about a teen runaway from Texas named Gas, who was brought up to hate Mexicans. He winds up working on the backstretch of a racetrack, beneath the very same Mexicans that Gas was always told he was better than. It's a YA book about prejudice and connecting with a larger more universal family. The opening chapter can be read at my website-
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Posted by David Sanger on September 16, 2009 at 11:21am
I am currently serving as the Interim Director of Libraries in Denver. This is a great position for a library leader. Denver Public Schools has over 70,000 students and 145 schools. Look at the new position in the right hand column. I would be glad to talk with anyone about this job!
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Posted by Doug Valentine on September 14, 2009 at 11:30am
Hello all,My wife and I entered a contest sponsored by the National Parks Foundation to try and win a state of the art camera for our elementary school. Our video is a tongue in cheek look at our trip to Big Bend National Park. We need votes to get the prize! If you've enjoyed my videos I ask that you go to the site, register (it's short and safe!) and vote for our video now through September 23rd. You can vote once a day so vote early and often. Please pass this on to everyone. We really would like this technology for our school. Go to: at the top right and vote on our site.THANKS!DougPS It looks like you can also go and use you Facebook login if you don't like registering.
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Posted by bj neary on September 11, 2009 at 11:54am
Split is a taut, psychological thriller for young adults about two abused brothers, Christian and Jace Witherspoon at the hands of their father who is a respected judge. Older brother Christian escapes to a new life with the help of a neighborhood family and leaves a much younger Jace behind to bear the beatings meant for his mother. But after years of enduring psychological torment and physical abuse, during which Jace lives a lie, the final straw is reached. Jace discovers his father has beaten his mother yet again and in his frenzied anger, Jace punches his father knowing he will be kicked out. With Christian’s address given to him by his mother, Jace flees to a brother he has not seen or heard from in years.
Split is such a great title on so many levels about the brothers’ past and present….and how they feel, split, not whole. Swati Avasthi keeps the reader turning the pages with the psychological torture these brothers have endured and continue to re-live as they try to rekindle their fragile relationship and rebuild a life without the anger and cruelty that still haunts them. The characters are all finely drawn, especially Mirriam, Christian’s sympathetic, strong girlfriend. The reader feels tremendous highs and lows as Jace navigates his new life; but still can’t let go of his past, his mother, and his girlfriend. It is through Jace and Christian’s talking, their silences, their arguing, their fighting, and their bonding that you hope there may be a slow, painful, road to recovery for these brothers. Teens will be lining up for this drama filled book about the all too real issue of abuse in families.
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Most of you have probably heard of Glogster but if you haven't, I suggest you try it out! The .edu.glogster site is now private and is an amazing tool for student work. This year our school theme is Star Trek and I created a Star Trek themed Glog web for our school. It will continue to grow as the year progresses but if you would like to see it go to: will be posting more book reviews there as we get into the school year.
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