diigo (2)

Time to get Social Bookmarking

I've been teaching social bookmarking as part of my e-learning classes for some time. Social bookmarking is always a difficult concept to get across. Truly, it's something you need to actually do in order to begin to grasp the power of this web 2.0 technology.On a basic level, you move your bookmarks from your browser to a website where you can get to them from any computer connected to the Internet.On a social level you can build a trusted community of searchers who share their results by 'tagging' the content with descriptive words.This technology lets you go beyond searching to sharing results and insights with other humans. Hear are some resources I tagged and/or annotated using Diigo, a user friendly social bookmarking service. Try it! You may like it!*Thanks to the readers who wrote to tell me that many of the links in this post were dead. I've revised the post with new resources! ~ Dennis
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