standards (2)

Join the Common Core Conversation!

What if you could find a learning management system that would allow you to take polls, post assignments and links, create online quizzes, and upload files for free?  Better yet, what if you could find an online resource that would actively engage students to become independent, lifelong learners?  Edmodo is that site!  Edmodo is a secure worldwide learning environment where teachers and students can collaborative and learn from each other. 

Almost 800 educators are connected in a nationwide Edmodo group, the "Common Core Conversation," to discuss what their schools, districts, and states are doing to address the new Common Core Standards in the k-12 classrooms. 

Help us reach 1,000 innovative educators.  Join the Common Core Conversation at  The group code is gy48aa.

Kristina Holzweiss, The Laptop Lieberrian

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Core Standards

Discovered new "Core Standards" proposed for all states in the US. It is useful to see how Research and Information Literacy are built right in, and also how they are articulated across grade levels.

"Research to Build Knowledge" strands are included in the Writing standards, e.g. Writing standard #8 for Gr. 6-12, "Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate and cite the information while avoiding plagiarism." ),.

This standard is articulated across grade levels on p. 42...good to see the recommended progression:

grade 6 students "Gather relevant information from multiple sources...assess the credibility of each...quote or paraphrase...others while avoiding plagiarism and documenting sources."

7th graders do all this but do so "using search terms effectively," and in addition they evaluate the accuracy of sources, and begin "following a standard format for citation."

8th graders are to be doing so "using advanced search features"

The scope and sequence is also a helpful guide in developing critical thinking skills: On p. 36, Reading standard:

grade 6 students "Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment",

while 7th graders "identify the stated and unstated premises of an argument and explain how they contribute to the conclusions reached,"

and 8th graders "Evaluate an argument's claims and reasoning as well as the degree to which evidence supports each claim."

There are also mentions to the necessity of incorporating multimedia into Speaking and Listening standards on p. 46, and the use of technology and the Internet "to produce, publish, and interact with others" in the Writing standards, on p. 39.

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