21st century skills (1)

This great article from Judy on how essential it is to embrace web 2.0 tools and a 21st century mindset to transform school libraries (see below). This is definitely a must read. I would love to know to what extend local librarians in South Africa are using social media tools like blogs, wiki's, Youtube and twitter... to turn their libraries into havens for 21st century digital natives.I am scheduled to do a talk on how librarians in South Africa can use blogs and micro-blogging in their libraries but have not been able to source local blogging librarians- so I either have a lot of advocacy to do with librarians or I haven't yet dug deep enough! So if you are a local librarian and run a personal or school library blog, please let me know and if you are an global librarian 2.0, please leave a message of how you think blogs can assist librarians in creating a welcoming space for learners.A Week in the Life of a New Media Teacher Librarian
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