Please forward this announcement to teachers in your district.This summer teachers from around the nation and the world will join online to exchange ideas and share best practices. The conversations are rich. The community is real. If you've never taken an online class before... this is the one to start with!Teaching and Assessing Writing with the 6 TraitsEDUC 744 920 Elementary (Gr. K-4) - 3 gr. cr. begins June 16, 2008 EDUC 744 909 Middle/High School (Gr. 5-12) - 3 gr. cr. begins June 16, 2008Learn to teach and assess writing with the 6-Traits of writing (voice, ideas, word choice, organization, sentence fluency and conventions). Learn to use the 6-Traits with the writing process to teach revision strategies. Help learners meet higher standards and improve testscores.Earn graduate credits via online courses that support your professional development goals for licensure renewal, salary advancement and advanced certification.Sign up soon to reserve your spot! Classes are TOTALLY ONLINE. You may participate from your home or school computer. Registration is limited to 20 participants per section.Syllabus and other details: ONLINE or REGISTER BY FAX Fax: (715) 232-3385For more details e-mail Dennis O'Connor: