Winger by Andrew Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this book as part of the Yalsa Hub 2014 Reading Challenge and I loved it. For most of this book, I laughed at Ryan Dean West's loser status and proclamations. Winger, as he is called by his Rubgy friends is smart, 14, and a junior at a Prep school. After getting in trouble, Ryan Dean is now exiled to the bad kids dorm, Opportunity Hall with a really scary roommate, Chas. He misses his old roommates in the normal dorm. He is also madly in love with Annie Altman, who has been his best friend for two years. He is so insecure about so many things, you laugh out loud with him about his loser status. But this book is about so much more than his fumbling, sports, and high school hijinks. On the back cover of the book, I didn't understand why AS King said the book was "heart-wrenching" and Matt de la Pena called the book "raw." You only have to read Part Four to become so totally sad, angry, and beyond hope about this book. That is all I will say, YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK!!!!
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Schools (3)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The characters in this romance novel are all really finely drawn by Colasanti and I found Lani very believable as a teen who doesn't follow the crowd and realizes she has angered friends by distancing herself (they think Lani thinks she is too good for them) and becoming very involved in her own club to save the earth. Her good friend, Blake is gay but hides it for fear of his father's anger. Lani and Blake are compulsive about checking their horoscopes and Lani truly believes in fate (hence the title). As the narrator, we find out from Lani about how her best friend, Erin, saved her when they were younger and they have been inseparable since. Lani has also become friends with Danielle in her ecology club. But Lani is insecure and also unaware of herself as being interesting to guys. She has never had a real boyfriend and when she meets Erin's latest flame, Jason, she has no reason to believe he might be interested in her. But it becomes obvious to Blake that Jason is interested in Lani and when they start hanging out together, Lani likes Jason but just sees him as a friend and nothing more. It is when Jason finally tells Lani he cares about Lani, that things get really interesting. Jason is a great guy;athletic, funny, a mentor to younger kids and a lifeguard during the summer. With only 2 months left before summer, Lani and Jason stay friendly; when Erin leaves for summer camp, Jason breaks up with her in an email and Lani and Jason begin seeing each other and it is a pretty perfect summer, what will happen when Erin returns? A great book for girls.
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Hi, My name is Gwyneth and I use Wikipedia every day.
There, I said it. Somehow that's pretty freeing! Wikipedia is NOT a dirty word. We're doing a disservice not teaching our kids HOW to use it and how to cite in - ummm selectively & with forethought. Sadly, I don't believe teachers & college professors are ready to wrap their mind around or admit recent studies that show: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica.
Much like the Internets in general, (or the Googles, or the Facebooks, or the Twitters, or the YouTubes) many educators look upon Wikipedia with suspicion, sometimes derision, and occasionally with fear.
But who are we kidding? It ain't goin away folks! the Wikipedias are here to stay...It's an Internet Wonder of the World! And for gosh sakes, it comes up top 3 in just about any Google search you do. What? Ignore a good entry for a query? Really? Can you admit, you use it, too?
So....How do we teach kids to use it?
Teaching Wikipedia in 5 Easy Steps.
- Use it as background information
- Use it for technology terms
- Use it for current pop cultural literacy
- Use it for the Keywords
- Use it for the REFERENCES at the bottom of the page!
Tech Terms Here: I mean, I love me my research databases! I do! Heck, I even made a animation video for them! I love you Gale/Cengage, Sirs, Worldbook, and EBSCO - I do! But if I look up Hashtag or QR code there, all I get are a few articles (one by Chris Harris! YAY!) but no explanation. No definiton. No examples of real world use. That's just not good enough.
But when you look up Hashtags or QR code in Wikipedia you get it ALL!
For more examples of how to use Wikipedia & how to teach it with our kids, see the Further Reading links below
Click for a Teaching Wikipedia At-A-Glance Comic Tutorial! (working on that now)
Oh and By the by...this blog caused me to work. Yeah, like do something I've never done before and it hurt a little. Learning something new sometimes feels ouchy and uncomfortable. Because of this posting I created a Wikipedia editing profile and pushed myself to create a Wikipedia page for my school Murray Hill Middle School because I wanted to be there when my kids (or parents) look for us on the Howard County Public School wikipage. Another step forward in Web Presence and Advocacy - & yes, Socialnomics: be where your customers are. But, I got stubborn and pushed through the uncomfortable feeling (took a break to have dinner Buffy Hamilton & Mary Beth) and Voila! It's done...whew!
"The goal here is not to take Wikipedia as gospel but to use it to focus your research (via links, keywords and references) and get a little context (via background information). Focusing cuts down the time you spend on the project while context will get you a better grade for your effort." - by rebecca from Gear FireFurther Reading:
Should I use or cite Wikipedia? Probably not.
4 ways to use Wikipedia (hint: never cite it)
Teachers: Please stop prohibiting the use of Wikipedia
20 Little Known Ways to Use Wikipedia
Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica
Rosenzweig, Roy. "Can history be open source? Wikipedia and the future of the past" Journal of American History, Volume 93, Issue 1 (June 2006) p. 117-144.
Schiff, Stacy. "Know it all: Can Wikipedia conquer expertise?" The New Yorker, February 26, 2006 And for balance:Yes, students, there's a world beyond Wikipedia - via Lucy Gray - elemenous !
What about YOU!?
Photo credits: Flickr Creative Commons:
Guy Fawks: by Stian Eikeland
Workbench mele By flattop341
Wikipedia Is NOT Wicked!
authenticity, Buffy J. Hamilton, fun, gale, howard county schools, Jimbo Wales, murray hill middle school, sirs, socialnomics, wicked, wikipedia