video (4)

School Library Video Contest

I would like to try to have a student video contest that would promote reading.  I have never done this before and am looking for someone who has done one that can share the guidelines, criteria, etc. that you used.  Can anyone help me with this?

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MIT Vocab Contest

Oops, I should have started this thread originally but have just been posting at my blog here. Better late than never...


Once again, we are running VOCAB CONTESTS GALORE at courtesy of the good

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geography/culture videos

I'm looking for good culture/country videos/DVD for my geography classes. Our old ones are dropping like flies and they were more travel videos rather than culture (this is what life is like) and getting dated. I had a glimpse of Families of the Worl

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online video libraries

My district subscribes to United Streaming and my high school library will subscribe to Safari Montage next year. So we will have two online video libraries for our teachers to use. Do any of you use online video? Which providers do you use and what

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