
I am a high school librarian. A colleague and I are preparing a presentation( for other librarians) on collaboration. Any unique models out there? Is collaboration in your school teacher or librarian driven? We are interested in knowing if there is actual collaborative work occurring or if it is primarily cooperative? Any resources to share? Thank you. Deborah

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  • Collaboration at Capitol High is for the most part Librarian driven. There are 25 computers in the library and teachers come to schedule time because we do not have any additional labs. So, when they come in to schedule one of my requirements is for them to submit their lesson plan and I usually review it and suggest projects that could enhance the lesson along with some free technology online that would enhance the students learning. Most of the work I do is cooperative, but whenever possible I try to enhance the lesson for collaborative planning. Most of the time it works and teachers are receptive but I have to stay on top of them. There are some interesting research articles by Montiel-Overall who is researching teacher and librarian collaboration. She has some interesting views and it may interest you to review her work if you have not already done so. I would not say that there is really a model; however, I am interested to know if there are any teacher librarians using wikis to collaborate with teachers in their schools.
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