
  • I keep a library blog as my homepage in my media lab. I know that kids can create their own iGoogle page, but for my elementary level kids, I have found this is the easiest way to post links we are using and other important information abou the library. I also put polls and contests on it!
  • Hello, My blog is
  • LITC_eLibrary@I.C.S.A.!

    I'm known as the eBrarian!

    It's been great working with students to create this site. Last month they worked on creating their own blogs as an Library and IT (LIT) project, which we the linked to the library blog. One of my favorite things is that an old colleague, a YA librarian that I connected with via Facebook, has started donating book reviews. My students have responded with interest in reading the book, and they are now making book reviews of their own as one of their LIT projects. Pretty cool.

    If anyone is interested in participating in the blog, please feel free to submit a reply on the site, or get in touch with me. I would also love suggestions, comments, critiques....

  • Mine is

    It's my elementary school library site.
  • Thanks for the opportunity!
  • I have not been blogging very long. I started it after I retired and didn't have people at my fingertips who would listen to me.
    I love it and it really has a special place in my heart. I now have found so many other ( and better blogs) I am swamped! My regular reading has slowed way down.
  • I was having great difficulty accessing Beth's blog at
    In case you are too I discovered that
    if you substitute the @ for a . you will have more luck!!
  • Oooooh Blogroll! ......hi all! here's mine!


    now maybe i'll post more!....peer pressure still works for me! LOL
    • OMG
      That looks awesome.
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