
  • Thanks for your very clear explanation. I now have a account and found some really terrific sites by browsing other TLs bookmarks. I feel confident enough now to give my staff a short inservice on it.
  • My father always said 5 impossible things before breakfast. Six things Web 2.0 by 9am?
    1. Check RSS for things to grade or pass on to other educators.
    2. Follow RSS to Ning posts to encourage someone or suggest something.
    3. Check the email for student crises...
    4. Check for Yackpack messages and/or send them to our school's pack.
    5. Check the homework on the blogs & reminds students thereof.
    6. Check Google docs lesson plans before class.
    And that's only before 9am....
    • This list sounds just like my friend Chris Craft---
      Crucial Thought
    • Hm, someone else using Yackpack! I know this is off topic, but another thread on yackpack would be good.

      Let's see, by 8 a.m. today, I had read my bloglines, popped into Ning, added a link to my blog, sent an article to some teachers, and worked on my wiki training site.
      • Nicely done folks- what a incredible group I'm with! :)
  • OK- I'll be first: Used Google Calendars to update library reservations, email to confirm collaboration, listened to podcast coming to work, posted to forums on TLning, used for stored sites for teachers, used to upload files for student presentations....all before 7 am
    How about that for a start?
    • I used First Class calendar and email to add bookings for staff using the iBook carts and fwd. sites of interest to staff, I thought about updating my blog but was lacking inspiration it being Friday and all. Bookmarked several sites to Backflip for use in an upcoming workshop. Haven't explored (and not really sure what it does. Do you know some good examples online?) and have no idea what is.
      • That makes two of us. What is senduit? Geeks are good...they bring us non-geeks up to speed.
    • Geez....what time did you get up??? ;-) Were you caffeinated?
      • OK, I confess- I had to drop someone off at the airport this am. :)
        I'm such a GEEK. We have students show up a little before 6:45. Pretty early!
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