Need ideas to help resource/special ed teachers!

We have a new dynamic special ed teacher in our building. I am starting to work with her using library and tech tools- which is quite challenging. What are you folks doing in your buildings that have worked well with special needs and disabilities?? How can librarians creatively meet our info lit standards while working with this population?

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    • Thanks! This will be a great start!
  • I just did a lesson on using PhotoStory with one of our self-contained 7th grade history teachers. She is doing a geography unit and each student chose a state, selected 10-20 pictures that represent that state (an opportunity for me to show them WorldBook Online and Grolier), found music related to the state, then put it all together using PhotoStory. If you're not familiar, it's a free download, really friendly and easy to use and the students feel really proud because the presentations look fantastic at the end.
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