Suggestions for conference presenters

I'm in charge of finding presenters for our state association's pre-conference sessions in October. Anyone have ideas of dynamic presenters in the areas of: instructional coaching, program marketing, evolving roles, going beyond reading advocacy, or some other relevant topic? I'd appreciate some suggestions.

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  • In Colorado, we brought out Christopher Harris 2 years ago for our pre-conference to TIE (Technology in Education) regional conference - he was fantastic! He did a keynote and breakout session - "50 sites in 50 minutes." I also attended his preconference at AASL on gaming - and it was great! Last summer, David Loertscher was our guest presenter, and he really wowed the audience with his presentation on the Learning Commons. Here is a link to our wiki with handouts and further information on both of them: Good luck!

    Nancy White
    Co-President, Colorado Association of School Libraries
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